Tuesday, 12 March 2013

CORD Coalition Press Briefing on the Impending Presidential Petition

We have called this conference as part of our continuing briefing on the pending Presidential election petition.

We would like to draw the county’s attention to the following:

  1. IEBC is currently running advertisements on media asking Kenyans to accept the results of the elections held last week. We would like to reiterate that the right to petition an election result is constitutionally guaranteed. IEBC as the institution whose deficiencies are subject of such challenges cannot therefore purport to ask the public to accept the election results as that is tantamount to violation of the democratic rights. We demand that the IEBC stop these advertisements forthwith.
  2. As CORD prepares to file the petition against the presidential results, our candidate has made concrete assurances to the public that he will respect and uphold the decision of the Supreme Court on this matter. We hereby ask the Jubilee Alliance to issue a similar assurance to Kenyans.
  3. We are concerned at attempts by sections of government to create the impression that the election is over and done with. We would like to inform the government, our supporters and Kenyans in general that the process of filing a petition is part and parcel of the election process and urge the government to respect this process and stop any provocative actions that could undermine the process and prevailing peace in the country.
  4. Note that the Coalition government is still in place until the next President is sworn in, which will be clear when the petition to be filed within the constitutional timeline has been determined by the Supreme Court.

Hon James Orengo

Hon ​Mutula Kilonzo
Hon ​Ogla Karani

1 comment:


    Safaricom welcomes the formal withdrawal of the legal Petition filed against it at the High Court of Kenya by Mr. Eliud Owalo a representative of the CORD Coalition.

    Pursuant to the withdrawal of the Petition by the CORD representative, Safaricom has undertaken to play its part in explaining and or providing to the IEBC for onward presentation to the Judiciary all pertinent information. This information is limited to what can be legally disclosed, what is technically available and specifically only that which directly emanates from its contractual scope with the IEBC.

    The above notwithstanding, we stand by our earlier public statement of 6th March 2013 and we maintain that our contractual mandate to the IEBC was fully and properly executed.

    We would also like to assure the public and all interested parties in this matter that we are fully cognizant of the importance of this process and the need for transparency by all players involved and this is the basis upon which we have extended our full cooperation to the courts.

    Nzioka Waita, Director Corporate Affairs, Safaricom Limited
